I am the river

Nov 19, 2020

I am the raging rapid ,
like a child full of energy, full of passion, full of life,
dancing, bouncing and leaping,
touching everything on its path
mindlessly experiencing each splash
screaming with joy !
Direction less, I flow.

I am the cascade and the run, falling from a height,
floating low, in solitude,
enjoying the peace and quiet,
soaking in the beauty of silence,
mindfully present,
screaming with joy, inside !
Direction less, I flow.

I go back and forth, being rapid,
and the run and sometimes the cascade
enjoying every moment, every breath.
Flow with me, become one with me
enjoy the ride, enjoy the splash,
enjoy the fall, enjoy the silence !
Direction less, I flow.




Life is beautiful as long as you inhale and exhale ! Mom, animal and nature lover, workaholic, eternal optimist !